Meet Martha Norwalk
Animal Behaviorist and "Animal
World" host
Frequent guest on Seattle radio & television
Subject of numerous newspaper & magazine articles
Owner: Martha's Canine, Feline, andAll Creature Counseling
Associate Degree with honors in Animal Technology
Canine and Feline Behavior Therapist
Laboratory, X-ray and Surgical Technician
Martha's unique presentation centers around her beliefs in the innate intelligence
and emotional capacity of animals. She dislikes the use of the word "pet"
because it connotes ownership; a concept that devalues the life of the animal.
Martha teaches and practices the art of inter-species telepathic
communication the ability to relay visual images between animal and
human as a means of exchanging thoughts and feelings with our animal-friends.
It is a practice that produces a great deal of controversy but, at the same
time, results in a profound bond between human and animal. This is, of course,
in addition to her ability to draw upon a wealth of knowledge and experience
in the raising, training, caring, and healing of a variety of animals over
a 25-year career as a vet-tech and animal behavior consultant.
Martha attended the University of Washington College of Arts & Sciences in the late '60s, and earned a degree in Animal Technology from Fort Steilacoom Community College in 1971. She has been employed as a veterinary technician, surgical assistant, laboratory X-ray technician, and has owned two businesses involved in animal training and behavior modification. She currently maintains a private counseling practice and is a frequent lecturer and media guest.
The following is a summary of Martha's experiences in the animal world:
Current Activities:
Martha visits her personal clients for extended in-home counseling. She also speaks to groups, businesses and associations on any number of animal-related topics, and has produced and marketed an audio cassette tape series covering the subject of canine behavior problem solving.
University of Washington, College of Arts & Sciences (1968-70).
Fort Steilacoom Community College
Official Reiki Program , Second Degree Reiki
Canine College, Inc., Co-owner and operator (1983-84)
Washington State Obedience Training Club (1976-83)
Seminars & Classes:
The Keys to Understanding Animals and Having a Better Relationship
with Them
Part 1: Communicating with Animals.
Part 2: Human to Animal Transference.
All About Cats
All About Dogs.
House Training Seminars (3 hours)
Behavior Therapy Seminars (4 hours)
Veterinary Seminars for Veterinarians and their Staffs (3-4 hours)
Canine Bite/Attack-Prevention Seminars (2-4 hours)
Pet Communication Seminars (3-4 hours)
Additional Forms of Healing and Therapy (that can be used in combination
with good veterinary medicine)
Understanding Wolf Hybrids (3-4 hours)
Television and Radio
Martha Norwalk's "Animal World," KVI-AM,
KOMO-AM, KKNW 1150 AM, Seattle (1995-present).
KOMO-TV "Northwest Afternoon"
KING-TV "Top Story"
KIRO-TV "Noon News," regularly-scheduled
guest-expert (1995-Present).
KOMO-TV "Rainbow Express"
CJOR Radio, Vancouver B.C.
Peter Weisbeck Show, Vancouver BC
KIRO-TV "Hour Northwest"
KIRO-TV "PM Magazine"
KIRO-TV "Jim French Show"
KOMO-TV "Town Meeting"
KVI-AM "Late Night with Laura Lee"
KIRO-TV "Inside Line"
KING-TV "Good Company"
KING-TV "Seattle Today"
"The TLC Way of Training Your Dog"
Newspaper Features
Seattle PI, Lynn Steinberg, "Intensive Pet Care" (1994)
The Monroe Monitor, Emily Gibson, "Norwalk Brings Pets and their Owners Closer with Weekly Radio Talk Show"
Seattle Times & P.I., Ranny Green, "Special Handling Required,"